
Wool for Sale

Our main flock is white face Corriedale ewes. We also have a small contingent of Corriedale x Clun Forest ewes and a handful of Rambouillet ewes. The Corriedale wool is medium grade and the Rambouillet wool is fine grade. The sheep flock is reared in a natural, grass based fashion on land protected under conservation programs. The ewes stay out on pasture year round honouring the ruminants desire to migrate and graze while aiding in keeping this prairie land intact and healthy. In the winter season when snow load prevents satisfactory foraging, hay is rolled out on the pasture, on the ground, which assists with keeping a clean wool clip and keeps the manure on the land where it is needed. I use the wool from this flock in my felting, for wet felted backgrounds, for needle felting, and for vessels.

I do sell wool batting directly to customers. Wool batting is sold in 1/2 pound (approximate) increments and is only available in natural white (no dyed wools). A flat rate shipping fee of $15 is applied to every order under 2 pounds. Above two pounds add $25 shipping. To order contact me directly, you'll find a form on the about page. Raw wool fleeces are seasonably available.

wool batting

Crossbred Wool BattingĀ  $25 / pound

Rambouillet Wool Batting

Rambouillet Wool BattingĀ  $42 / pound

Corriedale Wool Batting

Corriedale Wool BattingĀ  $35 / pound