Serious Encounter, Felted Artwork

Readers of my past blog may recall a story about meeting with an explosive Sarplaninac guardian dog. I met this dog while at a shearing day. i stepped out to take photos and while doing so this dog approached from behind but I didn’t know that. While still looking through the camera lens I happened to swivel around, panning with the camera to see what I could see. We were a great surprise to each other and she blew up in a knarly fit of barking and just about made me pee myself. She gave me fond memories of meeting my first Sarplaninac guardian dog, and a few reference photos for this piece of felting.

While I finished the piece I have not come up with a title for it yet. All I’ve got so far is Serious Encounter.

needle felted fibre art

18 x 16 inches
For sale, $215 CDN

Targhee, Corriedale, and Romney wool were used in making this one. Background is wet felted.

wool fibre artwork