Progress on The Felted Flock

The felted flock passes the one hundred sheep mark. For the love of wool, the project is two thirds complete.

3D felted sheep flock

Missing from this photo are the shepherdess, who is taking the photo, and the Kelpie who is at her side holding all in place with a steely gaze.

Since I last posted about the felted flock here on the blog two shearer’s and a couple new non-sheep characters have been added, along with more sheep of course, there are always those. Three old characters were stripped down to the wire armature they are built upon and re-done. No matter how I tried to justify leaving them be they needed to be changed up or head to the trash.

Outside of spending days and nights immersed in every thing sheep, real and created, I have secured two public events to show the Felted Flock at. One is an art show and one is a fibre festival. I am super excited about both these opportunities. While the project has a ways to go before being complete it is time for it to be seen by eyes other than my own.

3D felted guardian dog and sheep