Author name: admin

One Piece Three Versions

rough drawing of Sarplaninac dog

Sometimes a piece of artwork is held off because I won’t decide whether to draw it or felt it. Sometimes ranch jobs are stalled that way as well. A weird way of procrastinating and one I’m well practiced at.

For a little while now I have felt this repeated nudge that said to do both a drawing and a felting of the same piece and I repeatedly told it: that’s nuts, I hardly have time to do one and drawings take so long. 

Then one morning, after needle felting on the piece shared in the last post, I found myself digging into my color pencil sets. I pulled out the rough drawing of the Sarplaninac dog I was felting and transferred it to black paper and began to draw. I didn’t stay at it for very long before slipping back to the felting but I had started, the nudge was awakened. A few minutes at a time, stretched over the course of several days it morphed onto the page.

When it was done I was so utterly satisfied, and for the first time in a long while, it had nothing to do about the result.  The result didn’t matter, the accomplishment of a process did. The heeding of the nudge did.

Oddly enough, when I’m in the pickle of deciding whether to felt or to draw a particular piece, it is all still one idea. In my mind the felting or drawing is the same piece, the same dog in this case, and even somehow the same outcome. So it’s striking how different the three versions are.

drawing livestock guardian dog

needle felted fibre art


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Serious Encounter, Felted Artwork

Readers of my past blog may recall a story about meeting with an explosive Sarplaninac guardian dog. I met this dog while at a shearing day. i stepped out to take photos and while doing so this dog approached from behind but I didn’t know that. While still looking through the camera lens I happened to swivel around, panning with the camera to see what I could see. We were a great surprise to each other and she blew up in a knarly fit of barking and just about made me pee myself. She gave me fond memories of meeting my first Sarplaninac guardian dog, and a few reference photos for this piece of felting.

While I finished the piece I have not come up with a title for it yet. All I’ve got so far is Serious Encounter.

needle felted fibre art

18 x 16 inches
For sale, $215 CDN

Targhee, Corriedale, and Romney wool were used in making this one. Background is wet felted.

wool fibre artwork

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I Stayed With The Stillness

I’m pretty comfortable being in my prairie space, but there are occasions when I feel that spine tingling, heightened awareness of being a solo individual in a very vast space. This is a photo from such a moment.

dog photography
Stay With The Stillness

I was kneeling on a hilltop, taking photos of the ewes who just a moment prior to this photo were thick in those trees and venturing across the interior space of the abandoned yard – a space they have not been into before. It’s lightly foggy and any sound of sheep milling about is muffled. The ewes on the closest edge were knee deep in tall, golden coloured grasses and I loved the look of them against the naked trees in the soft air. I used one of these photos in the last post.

one photo, another, and another, one more, but then the ewes are on alert and filing out of the trees with quick purpose, the animals at the rear running to not be left behind as their mates pour out of there and move into the open space of the pasture.

None of the guardian dogs alert but Oakley rises and walks toward to investigate. It is very quiet and spine tingling still. I have a moment of tug-o-war; stay with the stillness, take the photo, or rise, call the dog, take the ewes lead and leave.



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