Felted Tasks

I’m dropping in with an update on artwork. It’s been a fruitful week with an art show featuring a collection of artists in the local gallery and time spent visiting with artists as a result. I sat down to the computer this evening with the intention to write about it because it was a special experience but words won’t come. I’m pretty sure writing in my paper journal will do the trick but for now, and for the sake of touching base and keeping up, switching gears it is.

On the ranch the routine is aptly routine. The sheep are grazing so our chores are light, consisting of feeding guardian dogs, checking on the flock twice a day and occasionally rolling out old hay for bedding. There is casual work/training with a couple stock dogs and the ever, ongoing work with the new house which Allen mostly takes care of at this point.

In the studio it feels more like computer time than creative time as I work through a long list of computer related tasks in trying to align online spaces necessary for sharing art and photos, all the while wondering where in the world am I going with this?  Some days I’m not sure which way to turn. When that feeling surfaces I slip into making the art – because I’ve grown comfortable with that aspect whereas the promotion of it is still so awkward.

Beginning of needle felting onto plain white wool canvas made of Clun Forest wool from this flock.  Second canvas in the background is made from Border Leicester wool. 
My mom asked if I would make a Christmas decoration, not having done so before and not having a clear idea of what style of decoration to aim for, I made a few. This was welcome, freeing, creative time. 
A pair of wool liners I made for inside my boots. I’ve been wearing these for a couple weeks now and oh they are toasty warm.

You can see by the creative outlets that I’ve been jumping around a bit, a sign of the unsettled feeling growth has brought.  

Regular posts of artwork can be viewed on the Wool, Stone & Prairie Facebook page and Instagram Feed