Artwork, photography and word are the three avenues I reach for as creative outlet and as a means to share my perspective, my story about this land and livestock life.
In whatever activity is being pursued there comes moments of personal milestones. Only the person engaging in the activity will know when those personal highlights occur, how they feel and what they are marked with. This piece of wool art marks one such highlight for me.

To catch you up a bit, I began sharing my artwork at trade shows last year and as a result there has been a regular scattering of commission requests over the last nine months. It has been a very creative time. But now there has been a break in commission requests and with that I dove into trying new background material for felting onto. But more than that my aim was to loosen up the detail I typically get so drawn into, but yet keep the realism I love. That’s the personal stretch for me. I got there with this piece and I love it because it holds a remnant of that feeling.

With the linen I appreciate that I can draw right on the fabric which I can’t do with the wet felted wool I typically use. I also love the clean presentation of the thinner fabric wrapped around a frame.
I’ll certainly try more of these.