I used to write a blog post every third or fourth day and I’m not sure I can pinpoint what pushed that out of the way but it is amazing at how quickly habits can be shed – and how tough they are to put back into place, even when your Self seeks them.
I’m possibly one of few people who still checks into blogs. For the most part I find blogs far more relaxing and a little more personal. Where social media interaction is like being on the Interstate highways blogs are taking the exit and having a break at a great rest stop location.
You can stay at this one as long as you like. I recently updated the artwork page if you’d like something to look at while you’re here.

The weather is nippy, I’m dressing in layers already and the steel camera body is cold on the fingers. No matter, I still take ten minutes and see what the ewes do. Which is typically not much – and yet they steal my attention anyway. How is it that it is so soothing to watch an animal travel? I never wish to join them really, just to watch. Maybe to follow if they are wild ones, just to see if I can.

I miss your more frequent blog postings of the past, but it is always good to hear from you!
I have been working daily with my now just over a year old Border Collie, Ian. I think he is coming along nicely. I was wondering how often you work with your young dogs.
Thank you Elva, so wonderful to know you’re out there. I am excited for you and your new dog, Ian. If the dog is receptive to it working frequently can be beneficial. I have worked young dogs every day however I don’t usually keep that schedule up for extended periods. Often there is a clue that the dog needs a day off and/or, after working daily for a stint, giving a day or two off can result in something unexpected the next time out.