Recently on our daily walks me and the Kelpies have been walking the mile to the south pasture in the hopes that I might see the cows, who recently calved.
In this pasture is my favourite sitting stone which I haven’t sat at for some time. On the first trek out here it became evident how much I have missed this spot/this pause in time. I didn’t want to leave it. Every trip out here I feel a settling in my spirit, the calling and connection to a familiar place that always holds space for you. This spot has been that right from the first time I ever set foot here.

It repeatedly happens that I get caught up in regular life and forget this simple treasure but always the land and/or the dogs pull me back and call me home so to speak and more often than not that pulling back happens precisely when I need it most.
The prairie space, the dogs – to have both as part and parcel of every day life is wealth beyond measure.