There are more than the usual number of Ravens and Crows here this year. The birds caused a healthy does of trouble around lambing time by killing young lambs. I take a little bit of solace in knowing that in due time Mother Nature will check their abundant population. Where ever the Crows and Ravens showed up the Magpies would be right behind them, forever hopeful of getting their pickings of a kill.

Once lambing wrapped up the trouble ceased but the birds show up where ever the flock is. The Crows and Ravens keep a healthy distance but the Magpies are a bit more trusting, or desperate, I’m not sure which. They’re keen about any opportunity or potential of food. It might seem odd to want to photograph the birds but I do. I haven’t been able to decipher if the ewes are pestered by the birds or if they have a certain amount of curiosity about them, like I do.

I don’t feel any deep fondness for Magpies, but I like them because they are always around. Wherever the flock goes they are there, wherever I go they are nearby. If a dog dish is left unattended they’ll be there shortly to investigate. They are a constant within this prairie life and that provides a sort of reassuring routine in and of itself.

These are very cool-looking birds! We do not have them around here. Great pictures!! I am raising my usual 125 Freedom Ranger meat chicks, and they like to take naps on top of my sheep!