The Restart

Ah, the first post – the mark of commitment and always the toughest one to write, even when it’s a continuation of something you’re already doing. But this new blog space feels more like a fresh start than it does a do-over. This new space feels like touching the pen to the blank page of a new journal; how for the first few sentences you write careful and deliberate and maybe a little too thoughtful. prairie wetland grasses I recently came across the phrase “inspiration comes after the journey has begun, not before,” although can’t recall who said it. This has been the case for me with the artwork, the writing, and taking photographs. Indeed, there are small inspirations all the time, in many facets. A peculiar thing is how this all still feels like I’m just getting my feet wet when in fact I’ve been rising at five in the morning for years; keeping that same block of time for doing something creative at the onset of my day. Perhaps that lingering newness feeling is the mark of knowing you’re doing the actions your core being needs you to do. Doing them hasn’t become stagnant yet. And I suppose that’s partly how and why we land here, on a new blog platform, with a new name and a slightly altered path, but with the same well loved subjects of prairie land, sheep, and a few good working dogs. Welcome to the re-start.

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