All That is Needed For Now

We have had a stretch of unusually mild weather. The flock continues to graze with only sporadic hay feed being offered. This helps the ewes maintain good fitness as opposed to when the weather is terribly cold and animals don’t travel about. The guardian dogs seem to be busy enough and we’ve spotted a couple coyotes in the area. We hauled bales home from a far pasture yesterday, our proceedings being watched by three moose. The birds around our yard are often singing in full force.

Thus far, it’s been a relatively simple winter for all species. The lack of snow is a concern but one that won’t be realized until Spring arrives. For now the enjoyment of mild weather is too appealing and supersedes the worry of what we cannot control. For now there is enjoyment of these small pleasures made easy to enjoy and that is enough. This is all that is needed to draw me into a connection with the landscape all around me and stir deeper thoughts and lighter breathing.
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