Wise LGD Youth

He bears the appearance of wisdom for one so young as he is. I’m certain its the grey chin. He’s barely two years old and while he’s a very stable minded pup he’s also barely two years old. He’s got a little growing up to do yet.
He bears the appearance of wisdom for one so young as he is. I’m certain its the grey chin. He’s barely two years old and while he’s a very stable minded pup he’s also barely two years old. He’s got a little growing up to do yet.
Short on words lately, but there is always photographs…
There is Always Photographs Read More »
There are few scenes that can compete with the mood created by the right light on a winter day.
She is my winter ghost. About half way through winter she begins to meet up with the Kelpies and I on our walks. When the walk is over she returns to sheep. She only does this in the winter and the way she just appears is rather ghost like.