Woolen Reconnect
In this scene of the felted flock recently shared on social media platforms it was the Magpie that caught all the attention. The bird resonated with sheep producers and stirred a common exclamation of familiarity and awe. And that has me wondering why.

One little magpie. A familiarity of the scene. One little magpie brings the relevance of this project to light, becomes the link that connects sheep producers to the real life aim of this project. One little magpie connects onlookers to the real life community of animals wool comes from.

Magpies gliding over herds of livestock, lighting on the back of ewes, watching for morsels of dog food, playing with fate as it tries to steal, lighting on a body after a death, picking at bones. For North Americans living a land and livestock life the magpie is the ever present travel companion, giving both annoyance and comfort. The magpie is every place, every season; the magpie sees all. The magpie knows what the shepherd sees day in and day out. We’ve all watched the magpies and we’ve all been watched by them. If the magpie shared our verbal language what stories would it tell us and tell others?
Magpie. A symbol of relevance and of familiarity and connection in a land and livestock life. A reminder to tread lightly and show respect, there is a Magpie watching.