It’s A Winter Scene
It’s a winter scene here. The rams, cows and horses have been moved home, the ewe flock is still out grazing though. The portable water stations have not been in use for some time as cold weather put a stop to those.
The first cold always seems the most harsh, not because it’s particularly cold but because I am never quite ready to embrace the chores and challenges that snow and cold bring. It takes me a bit to settle into the cold and I wonder if it is the same for the flock and the dogs or if their finely tuned senses of all things natural allows them to glide into the seasons with relative ease and knowing.

Normally at this juncture of winters arrival I’m well set into a slower paced creative routine and embracing it wholeheartedly. But this has been a full Fall season with work on our house taking up a good deal of our mental energy and weekend/spare time. We are not living in the house just yet however the cold weather put a damper on doing concrete pouring for counter tops and staining of baseboards outside. Needing a warm space for this work drove the decision to move my studio space out to the house to make room for a work area in the shop we still live in. So it is that my art table is now set up in a small dormer space of the upstairs loft with a gorgeous east view of prairie land. When I sit in this space I feel rich beyond measure.

The change of place has unsettled my creative routine, but in a good way I suppose. It’s exciting to be in the home you built and that excitement has me fluttering about like a moth around an evening lamp. Having a small string of commission work that needs to get done is a hidden blessing as it forces me to stay on task and being active with the task of creative is what spurs the ideas for future artwork of the subjects of this land and livestock life my existence revolves around.

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