We are settling into the routine of fall, and just as I write that I think how odd it is to say one is settling into a season of Nature when one lives a life embracing nature and being embraced by her. What other choice should we take? But I used to fight the seasons, letting angst about a future season taint the beauty of the present one.

Winter feed is home and stacked. With the majority of the lambs gone the flock is quiet again as they graze. Ewes have been sorted, with a group still to go for sale. Guardian dogs are busy with the increased Coyote activity.
The new Corriedales have taken their new haven on the prairie in stride. I find myself wondering what they figure about this place; the dry, nakedness of it compared to the humid, forested landscape they came from. Are they lost without their own flock or do they think of such things at all? They have a tighter fleece than my Corriedale ewes which at a distance gives them a grey appearance and makes them easy to spot among the other ewes. It will be a treat to handle that wool come shearing time.
I’m making my way through the batch of photos taken while on that move with the Aveley Ranch sheep flock which created so many memories for me. Here are a few more before I move on.