Author name: admin

Whispering Sweet Nothings

Have you ever noticed there are occasional days that are full of sweet nothings. They are some of the best days and I’m having one today. These days are not lazy ones as you would expect. They never start out with a plan or a to-do list either. Instead these sweet nothing days unfold with steady tasks that are received with grace and conducted with assurance.  You move through the day heeding the nudge that says do-this-next, and so you do. And the sweet nothing feeling arises from the flow from task to task with no urgency behind any of it.  And when you decide it’s finally time to look up you are immensely pleased with what has been accomplished even though none of it may matter tomorrow.

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A Proud Dog

He’s a proud dog, always full of expectation. Expectation that I’ll take him along wherever I’m going, which I often do.  He’s not one for pets and fussing over so his other expectation is that I refrain from doing so, which I often do not do.

We accept each other in a way that makes for a very solid relationship. It’s not like this with every dog. With other dogs there is a subtle, mutual annoyance about our faults always casting shadows over our relationship. He’s the only Kelpie that was born here so we’ve known each other since that day. I don’t have enough experiences rearing and keeping puppies on to know if those first eight weeks of being with a pup make that difference or if we’ve just hit it off. Lucky for me either way.

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Simple Flock Moves

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I moved the flock from the winter pasture to the pasture showing the most promise of available grass. The dry years combined with a modest grazing rotation have wreaked havoc on certain areas of the farm while other areas continue to hold on and grow grass. I no longer carry any burden of expectation that there will ever be enough fencing in place for regenerative agriculture to happen here. There just isn’t enough man power for that amount of labour. Plus I’m now at an age where I don’t want to see more fences go up, in fact, I’d prefer that some come down. I’d prefer to see this place be wide open prairie land once more. I think that the land deserves that destiny once again.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”3150″ img_size=”large” alignment=”center”][vc_column_text]It is a simple matter to move sheep to places they want to go to and right now the ewes want to go anywhere there is grass. Nonetheless less there is always sincere enjoyment in the work of the Kelpies. My crew of Kelpies are well aged now and the eldest fellow has recently passed. I feel a deeper commitment to not taking simple flock moves for granted but appreciating them for the milestone they are.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_single_image image=”3147″ img_size=”large” alignment=”center”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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