The Flow of A Flock
Creating the flow, or going with the flow, or even watching it, there is a soul satisfying feeling in the flowing movement of a large bunch of animals traveling. I’m positive some intangible asset we intuitively recognize resides there.
Before the flow happens though there is a great deal of effort and energy into starting it, into convincing the animals to go somewhere not where they currently are when they have little notion of why they should.
It’s all very much like living every day life. The amount of effort to start a blog post is far larger than the effort that exists when the flow begins and when the flow is carrying you. Same with a piece of artwork. The seed of an idea is planted far easier than the actual first step that takes so much energy and trust.
And in the event that you are brand new to a task, or have not done a task for some time, the flow can be rocky and hard to feel until we learn again to relax into it and trust the overtaking energy of flow will carry us where we need to go.
I think this is what animals know, certainly it is what sheep know. This is why they are so routine and so comfortable with every day, never panicking that there isn’t more to life than what is present.
Moving Them Home
38 inches wide x 18 inches tall
100% wool including fibres from Rambouillet, Clun Forest, Merino and Corriedale sheep.