Years ago, at first decision to purchase sheep, I was keen on the Corriedale breed. Purchasing a sizeable flock of the grass based Corriedale’s I was after proved difficult so we made a different purchase and began to grow our flock with a terrific group of grass based cross bred ewes that have served us very, very well (this is how we got on to the Clun Forest breed). In 2014 I added a handful of purebred Corriedale ewes and a ram, and have slowly been building the Corriedale influence in our flock. Last year I attempted to purchase a group of Corriedale lambs but that did not pan out. This year it all came together.
In mid September we managed two days away to pay a visit to the Aveley Heritage Sheep Ranch This was a very fast trip there and back again but it was timed so that we could tag along on a lengthy move to take their flock to some late summer grazing ground across the river from the home place. The flock, and all its assorted working dogs and humans navigated forest roads, made its way through town, and crossed railroad tracks and tall bridges, and I was thrilled to have the opportunity to photograph as we walked along. This is not the prairie and hence all the scenes with flock and dogs were richly new and novel.

There were many highlights on this very quick trip. Connecting with other grass based producers where the conversation starts with the land and the animals rather than with production and output is a nuance of this way of life I shall always treasure.

To spend a morning taking photographs was a little slice of holiday for sure.
To purchase and bring home a little flock of Aveley Corriedale lambs to join our own flock was the topper.

Back at home, there is a hefty amount of sheep work as these few new sheep come in and market lambs go out and per usual I am at a crossroads of emotion, which most days it seems I am barely able to contain. To visit the pasture and see the new ewe lambs amongst the flock gives me a fresh dollop of optimism and deepens my trust that our choices are still aligned with our personal values for land and animal. It is good to take stock on such things now and again.

Stunning pictures! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks a bunch. Knowing they are viewed and enjoyed gives me encouragement.