The month of October was chalk full of sheep work which had the Kelpies feeling very satisfied but me less so.
The dry conditions in our area steered the tough decision to part with a significant number of ewes this Fall. It is important to us to respect what the prairie land can give and we have already asked a lot of this prairie. And while I’m not arrogant enough to believe the lack of rainfall is within my control I am arrogant enough to demand that I manage well whatever the conditions and managing right now equates to having less mouths grazing the prairie.
This selling of ewes came on the heels of a few hundred lambs leaving for market so the shift in the flock size feels dramatic. I believe it’s been over a decade since the flock was this small.
One becomes accustomed to the size of a flock and you develope a sense of knowing whether you have your group or are missing some. When I head out to bring the flock in for water in the evening I can’t help but feel that I missed a group somewhere such is the difference in the flock size.

With a large flock that roams the prairie having enough guardian dogs is always in the back of your mind. With the downsize we now have a more than adequate number of guardian dogs going but I have no gumption to sell any. Our pack consists of three dogs older than seven years of age and I’m comforted with knowing they’ll stay on and continue to lead a rich purpose bred life with enough younger dogs to handle the workload. There is less concern with bringing new dogs in anytime soon which is somewhat of a reprieve for me because these dogs are one of the deepest treasures of this life, and thus, also the deepest heartbreak at times. I’ll be okay with needing less of them. One of the two up and coming pups will be moved on in order to avoid future conflict between the two but there is no immediate rush for that just yet.

This flock is my day job. The income from the flock is my contribution to our combined living income. The changes in ewe numbers equates to a significant change in that income in the future. Moving forward we have decided to put more emphasis on wool production and ways to add value to our wool clip. It all feels a tad risky right now and yet I feel assured that less is going to be more as we go forward even though I can not see all the how’s just yet.